I was offered a Grab n Go Goat kidding kit when I purchased my First Doe which was in milk & Doeling. The kit was provided by 4 Acres Farm & Country Magic Nigerian Goats. I am working on creating my own kidding kit to offer to those who would like when purchasing two or more Does for there own herd.
What were a few things included and what did I add?
These are the basics I would suggest having on hand as I did not have the smoothest first kidding and I am thankful I was prepared.

Kit Provided
Kid puller
Bulb Syringe
Iodine dip
Navel Clip
Knife to cut umbilical cord
Tube feeding kit
Baby bottle & nipple
Latex gloves
Note pad & pen
Lube (J-Jelly)
Puppy Pee Pads
Emergenc-C and Molasses
Added on top of Kit
Lots of Towels
Bottle Nipples for Pop bottles
Milk replacer
Needles I like (20 X1')
Probiotic paste*
Selenium-E Paste Or Selenium*
Syringes (3mm I use the most)
Rubbing Alcohol
Cotton Swabs
Heating pad
Weight Scale
Supplements & Medication
We use in our program, please talk to your local vet)
Covexin Plus
Selon-E & Thiamine B12
Some supplement pastes we love to have on hand:
Probiotic Paste/Selenium & Vitamin E Paste/Jumpstart Paste/Replamin Gel Plus
Note I am not a trained professional, If you are in Canada you will have to obtain a relationship with a veterinarian as for some of these medications and supplements as you will have to obtain from your veterinarian. Before Kidding I suggest you establish a relationship with a veterinarian.